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Is a Business Administration Degree Right For Me?

What’s popular among students and equally in demand by employers?

A business administration degree.

So say the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE) and U.S. News & World Report.

  • NCES reports that increases in the number of degrees conferred is expected to continue through academic year 2021-22.
  • A recent NACE survey showed that employers ranked business as one of the top three disciplines they focus on when hiring.
  • The business sector once again had the largest showing on U.S. News & World Report’s annual “Best Jobs” list.

Popular, sure. But right for you?

Here’s how to tell. Check all that apply.

  • I want to earn a degree but am not sure where to start.
  • I anticipate wanting career advancement.
  • I am interested in a variety of subjects from marketing and finance to management and accounting.
  • I have been called a “natural born leader.”
  • I possess good communication and critical-thinking skills.
  • I am organized, hardworking, and detail-oriented.
  • I am able to manage myself and others.
  • I delegate well.
  • I enjoy success and like helping others achieve it.
  • I continually look for new ways to do things and enthusiastically share my ideas with others.

Did you agree with most of these statements? If so, a business administration degree might be right for you.


Heading back to school? Make sure you max out your Financial Aid with the help of this free FAFSA report.


But before you make your final decision, take these two important action steps:

  1. Investigate business administration schools and programs to learn more about program requirements, transfer credits, career opportunities and degree options.
  2. Review business administration classes and course descriptions to get a better idea of what you can expect online or in the classroom, as well as view credit hours, prerequisites and other course details.

Okay. So now you have a better understanding and appreciation for what a business administration degree has to offer.

The choice is yours.

A degree in business administration is right for you if you’re looking for a broad business perspective, exposure to a variety of disciplines and potential for multiple career pathways. Sound interesting? If so, get more information now - we'd love to talk with you.

Free Guide:
Where to Find Free Money to go Back to School
Learn how to get grants to cut college costs.